It’s Time to Update the Volunteer Engagement Cycle

In this e-Volunteerism feature, author Jill Jukes from the March of Dimes Canada’s Western Region argues that it’s time to update how organizations plan and prepare for volunteer involvement. Taking a close look at what she calls the traditional “Volunteer Engagement Cycle,” Jukes outlines why the current sequence of planning, recruitment, intake/onboard/screening, placement, training and supervision, recognition and retention, and evaluation does not always reflect current trends and realities. The remedy? Jukes proposes an entirely new Volunteer Engagement Cycle, one that that she calls Version 2.0. “This isn’t a monumental change to the traditional cycle,” Jukes writes, but one that renames and reimagines how organizations plan and prepare for volunteer engagement. Is it better? Will it work? Has Jukes merely proposed new words for the same things? In the end, Jukes asks you to decide.
Scott Miller/Volunteering New Zealand
Tue, 01/17/2017Jill J / March of Dimes Canada / Vancouver BC
Thu, 01/19/2017Jane Scripps/North Haven Hospice New Zealand
Wed, 01/18/2017Jill J / March of Dimes Canada / Vancouver BC
Thu, 01/19/2017Sally / UK
Fri, 01/27/2017Jane Hanson / RCMP in BC
Fri, 02/10/2017